timothy institute

The Timothy Institute is a class for men who are interested in learning how to prepare and preach gospel-centered, expository sermons. Through the Timothy Institute we desire to equip men who feel compelled to teach God's word in a more formal setting, whether that's through youth ministry, small groups/classes, pulpit opportunities, elder roles, or perhaps even a future ministry in a full time, vocational pastorate.

These classes involve intense, seminary-level instruction regarding the art of preaching, both in theory and practice, and in a broad level of applications. There is a high level of reading, guest and pastoral lectures, and "preaching labs" where the student has opportunities to take what he learns and present a sermon in front of his peers.

The Timothy Institute is a unique opportunity, and it's designed specifically for those who can be completely dedicated to it in order to be properly equipped to employ preaching in a ministry setting. 

The Timothy Institute offers 2 tracks:

  • Track One: Biblical Preaching
  • Track Two: Pastoral Shepherding
  • The Profile of a Biblical Preacher

    The Foundations of Biblical Preaching

    The Strategies of Biblical Preaching—1

    The Strategies of Biblical Preaching—2

    The Gospel Focus of Biblical Preaching

    The Practical Tips of Biblical Preaching

    Note: Sermons will be delivered during the December Midweek Refresher Service.

    Track One will require the following textbooks for reading, discussion, and assignments. Please purchase them as you desire (digitally or paperback/hardback). 

    1. Chapell, Bryan. Christ-Centered Preaching. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2018.
    2. Millar, Gary. Campbell, Phil. Saving Eutychus: How to Preach God’s Word and Keep People Awake. Matthias Media, 2022. 
  • Pastoral Calling & Character-1

    Pastoral Calling & Character-2

    Pastoral Priorities

    Pastoral Oversight

    Pastoral Care

    Pastoral Perseverance

    Track Two will require the following textbooks for reading, discussion, and assignments. Please purchase them as you desire (digitally or paperback/hardback). 

    1. Baxter, Richard. The Reformed Pastor: Updated and Abridged by Tim Cooper. Wheaton: Crossway Publishers, 2021, 1656.
    2. Begg, Alistair and Derek Prime. On Being A Pastor. Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2004. 
    3. Jamieson, Bobby. The Path to Being A Pastor: A Guide for the Aspiring. Wheaton: Crossway Publishers, 2021.